“Kick Start Your Project” the writing course which Peter May devised with his wife, screenwriter Janice Hally has had to be put on hold for the moment.
The success of Peter’s books - with contractual obligations for books #2 and #3 in the Lewis Trilogy and books # 6 and #7 in the Enzo Files series, and demands for him to attend book signings and give talks across the UK, USA and Europe - means that his diary is full for the foreseeable future.
Janice has also been busy with current writing commissions including a second book for French publisher Hachette due out in 2011, and the screenplay of Peter’s China Thriller “The Killing Room” for a French production company.
For full updates on their current writing visit:

Plans are afoot to publish “Kick Start Your Project” as a book, both in hard copy and E-book form for Kindle and E-book readers.
“GET WRITING” available now!
In the meantime, why not try Janice Hally’s “Get Writing” a two-week creative writing course offering inspiration and motivation through daily practical writing assignments.
If you have always wanted to write but found it difficult to know where to start, "Get Writing" will help you to let your creativity flow and offer tips and advice on how to build a well of ideas to draw upon, so that you never have to fear the blank page.
Click here for a coupon to buy the E-book at the
specially discounted price of just $2 (US dollars).