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Carole Blake, one of the UK's top literary agents, and
author of "From Pitch To Publication" writes:This book will not tell you how to write: there are many books published that cover the creative process. But it will tell you - if you have talent and perseverance - how to get published. It will tell you how to get an agent and a publisher. It will also tell you how to get the best out of them, how to build a good relationship with them, and how to leave them if this is impossible.
Few of the books on how to write fiction discuss what to do with your novel once you've learned your craft. The aim of this book is to turn a creative writer into a professional author, able to get the very best out of the publishing experience, the trade and out of themselves.
From Pitch To Publication
click to buy from Amazon.co.uk For the writer of fiction, the path to successful publication is often a daunting one. Carole Blake's book, "From Pitch To Publication" is the indispensable insider's guide.
No top publishing industry professional has shown as clearly as here, how the publishing system really works. And how to make it work for you.
This book will advise you from the moment you pick it up. Is there actually a market for your writing? How do you find it? How should you work constructively with your publisher or agent? How can you safeguard your rights, negotiate and check the fine print of offers and contracts? How will your book be sold and how can you help?
Here is the complete guide to successfully presenting yourself to agents and publishers and making the most of the time before and after publication.
Maeve Binchy, in a review in The Daily Mail said:
' It's honest and practical, and I know if it had been around when I was young,
I'd have published my first novel long before I was 42.''The Times said:
'... a shocking, and at times disheartening, read for aspiring authors.''Carole Blake writes lucidly and with a light touch ... an invaluable guide.'
Daily Mail.'... an ideal set-text for anyone studying publishing.'
The Independent.'... hugely informative ... an exceptional chapter on contracts and a brilliantly funny hit list.'
The Bookseller.'Stunningly comprehensive...it serves as an essay on the current state of the publishing industry, offering not just information but structured arguments and opinions, thus making it of interest to members of the trade as well as to authors. It can be read not only from the point of view of getting a novel published but by people wanting to get ahead in the industry or be an agent themselves.'
InPrint (journal of The Society of Young Publishers).
Carole Blake In 1977, after 14 years in publishing, specialising in Rights and Marketing, Carole Blake started her own literary agency which merged with Julian Friedmann's agency to become Blake Friedmann in 1983. It is an editorially-based agency with strong emphasis on selling a wide range of rights for their clients. The company was chosen as one of only twelve British agencies commended by the Society of Authors in their survey of literary agents a few years ago.
The agency has always emphasised the importance of creative editorial work. It now has a staff of eleven and represents 140 writers as well as several North American Agencies and one of America's fastest-growing publishers. The agency is represented by associate agents in more than two dozen language markets throughout the world. Julian Friedmann heads the agency's film and television division; Carole Blake heads the book division.
She is a past President of the Association of Authors' Agents. During her term as President she instigated and produced a survey of royalty statements that led to many British publishers radically changing the content and style of their royalty statements.She is the past Chair of the Society of Bookmen, only the second female Chair since the Society was founded in 1921. She is a member of the advisory board for the City University's post-graduate publishing course. She is a board member for the book trade charity, Book Trade Benevolent Society. She has been in Who's Who since the 1998 edition.
Blake Friedmann's clients include Gilbert Adair, Jane Asher, Teresa Crane, Stephanie Dowrick, Barbara Erskine, Ann Granger, Maeve Haran, John Harvey, Ken Hom, Peter James, Paul Johnston, Glenn Meade, Clare Naylor, Lawrence Norfolk, Joseph O'Connor, Sheila O'Flanagan, Michael Ridpath, Tim Sebastian,Indra Sinha and Julian Stockwin.
In addition Blake Friedmann represent British rights on behalf of a number of North American publishers and literary agencies which means they handle rights for many world famous writers including Pulitzer prize winner Carol Shields.
Her book, FROM PITCH TO PUBLICATION: Everything You Need To Know To Get Your Novel Published, was published in August 1999 by Macmillan. They reprinted three weeks after publication, and twice again in the first year of publication, a UK book club made it their main choice and bought 30,000 copies. It is now in its 7th UK printing.
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