see below for details of our Writers Achievements to date ... Gateway to St Cere Writers' Forum andChat Room Let everyone know how your writing is coming along. Share your thoughts and worries. Ask for help or advice. Entry to the Forum and Chat Room is password protected and restricted to writers who have attended a Course in St Cere. |
... all our writers' latest news ... at a glance ... all our writers' latest news ...
to Sean Doyle
on the publication of his novel
When Fate Comes Calling
June 2009 (ISBN: 978-1-84624-316-5)
to Stepanie Siciarz
Stephanie has finished her book Left at the Mango Tree and is busy sending the manuscript to agents in New York.
We all wish her the best of luck with that!!
Update: Stephanie's novel Left at the Mango Tree
has made it to the quarter-finals of Amazon.com's
Breakthrough Novel Award competition
read an excerpt and review it here
Also her short story "Nest Egg" is published in "Enhanced Gravity: More Fiction by Washinton-area Women" (Paycock Press) edited by Richard Peabody.
to Leeann Minogue
Leeann's full-length play "Give 'Er Snoose" was performed professionally in Saskatchewan
to Germaine Stafford
Gem has been shortlisted in the prestigious
UK Crime Writers' Association's Dagger Awards
in the "First Novel" category!
to Leeann MinogueLeeann has not only finished her play, but "Give 'Er Snoose" will definitely make its debut in 2004!
The Lacadena Community Dinner Theatre will put on 3 shows in the last weekend of April (23, 24)
Look forward to a reunion of class of June 2003 to Saskatchewan!
Leeann also won a contest for a "short dramatic monologue" which was published in the Fall issue of Grain, the Canadian literary magazine.
Click here to view it online Leeann's name is on the front.********
to Anne Walkerwho has finished the first full draft of her novel! After keeping everyone on last September's "Kick Start Your Project" in hysterics as she developed her outline, there will be a long line of eager readers waiting for her to finish her revisions. Let's hope that the next announcement here will be of a publishing deal!
to David Molyneuxwho has received a grant to write and direct his first short film! He recently had a special screening at BAFTA of his short film which beat tough competition to win a place on workshops with Granada Television. He's just entered a script in The British Short Screenplay Competition. In addition to all that, he's still squeezing in work on his novel! ********
Sarah Hill after having won Flip the Script and being filmed and interviewed by the BBC, Sarah will be working with professional director Shobana Azlam, and actors from Contact Theatre in Manchester on her play LIFE SKILLS, which will be performed in a workshop in May. ********
Stephanie Siciarz has just celebrated her first published short story: ONE PIANO, FOUR HANDS. It was published in December 2002 by Art Times Journal. Meanwhile, the work on her novel continues, five chapters, and counting....
Eleanor Smith is continuing to work away. She is now NINE chapters in to the novel she began writing in September.
Her time has been taken up lately writing speeches!
She has recently been made President of a London Branch of Toastmasters International and has been asked to represent London at an International Speech Contest in the Ukraine!******** Click here to buy from Amazon.co.uk
Alanna Knight's latest book, AN ORKNEY MURDER is due out in February 2003, published by Constable.
Of course, Alanna was writing books long before she came to St Cere, but she's now finished the television adaptation which she developed on the Course and it's in the hands of her agent, so we all wish her luck with that!
She's pleased to announce that she has a website, now, too... So you can keep up to date with Alanna and her writing at http://www.alannaknight.com
********Click here to buy from Amazon.co.uk
Eileen Ramsay has had a great response from publishers Hodder and Stoughton and is hoping for big things with her book , SOMEDAY, SOMEWHERE, came out in May 2003.
Visit Eileen's website at http://www.eileenramsay.co.uk********
from amazon.co.ukPAPERBACK
from amazon.co.uk
Yes, he's a tutor, but we mention all the St Cere Writers' news here! CHINESE WHISPERS, the sixth in Peter May's China Thriller Series, will be published (Jan 2004) in hardback and paperback by Hodder and Stoughton.
More details at Peter's website: http://www.petermay.co.uk******** (If you are one of our writers don't forget to keep us up to date!)
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Entry to the Forum is password protected and restricted to
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