Creative Writing Courses in France

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"A fabulous location, a wonderful group of people, two inspiring teachers and in just 6 days I succeeded in writing the outline of an entire novel, previously never having written more than half a dozen short stories.
The course exceeded all of my expectations and I had one of the best weeks of my life."
Sue P UK

"Janice and Peter, I came here with nothing and I feel you have given me some of your magic. I am going home with treasures I hope you will both be proud to read one day. Thank you."
Eleanor S UK

"In all my wildest dreams I never imagined I'd have done so much, gone so far in this week. I hope my results will be up to expressing the gratitude I feel."
Carole H Belgium

"A wonderful and extremely productive week.
I certainly feel that my writing has been successfully "kick-started".
Now it is up to me - I intend to give it my best shot!
Before I came to St Cere my characters were but shadows;
they accompanied me home as real people."

Leonie S, Scotland

"A remarkable week ... I hope you realize how fundamental you've been to the development of my novel (and to everyone else's too, I'm sure).
You two are really fantastic."
Stephanie S USA

"I came to St Cere thinking I could write a novel. I went away knowing I can!"
Ian F, England

"What a terrific bargain it turned out to be. The personal attention, the stimulating one on one sessions, which generated ideas, gave directions to the plot and brought clarity to what each participant was trying to achieve, are probably unique. I know that many days of preparation were needed to produce such a concentrated and focused approach to creative writing course. Congratulations."
Alexander T, Switzerland

"I feel I have come away with the knowledge of how to structure the story, create the storyline and actually write it. What's more I now also have the belief that I can go and write it - so no more excuses.
The course was everything that I hoped it would be, the quality of the food and beauty of the Lot region were an added bonus, as were the people I met."

Sean D, England

"Thank you for showing me a way into the pleasure that might be had from being able to catch an idea swirling around in your head, and to drag it kicking and screaming to the page.  Who knows what will happen with my efforts, but I do feel a journey of some sort has started."
Jonathan E, UK

"I arrived in St Céré burdened with the whys and the what-fors of how to
write and after six days of hilarity – enhanced by Jean-Luc’s irresistable
cuisine and Tom’s devoted attendence behind the bar – I left with my head
crammed with suggestions as to how to tackle those whys and what-fors.
And that’s the beauty of it:  Peter and Janice don’t give you the answers to

your problems, they put an enormous amount of their own energy into showing you how to find them for yourself.   Beneath their apparently painless method there is a really tough force at work,
shoving you towards the belief that you can do this on your own.
Alison C. J. UK&Denmark
"The amount of time and interest you devoted to each writer was really appreciated and I have come home feeling that I have learnt a great deal from both of you as well as an urgent need to get writing.  Thanks again for all your time and enthusiasm."
Hilary C, UK

""Brilliant experience! Clever guidance and subtle "pressure" from Peter and
Janice (you two put a lot of commitment into us - thanks!); Tom, the
loveliest rep to the outside world of my lovely country (love you Tom xo),
and as for our class mates - what a fascinating mixture! And some
fascinating friends... Thanks to all the people that made this experience a
special week and a fullfilling experience. Now I just got to "do the grunt"
but definitely have a clear idea of how I should go about it - I am sure would endorse this !!! In my case - research!!!!"
Thanks to both of you and hope to see you in the not too distant future for
some more mentoring..."
Bonnie W, Ireland

"You two have been so encouraging of my crazy, indulgent ideas. Thank you."
Anne W, USA
"You have been an enormous help! Hope to be sending you one of the first finished copies!"
Caroline R UK
"A fantastic week spent in St. Cere... it will remain in my memory forever."
Sarah H UK

"Only yesterday evening I was enthusing to friends about the course and how much it spurred me on."
Penelope L France

"A wonderful and valuable week's tuition which furnished me with the much-needed stimulus and guidance for my kick-start... I truly believe I will complete my novel!"
Maggie O UK
"Thank you for an incredibly fruitful week. It was so helpful being able to sit down and talk things over with you - in that relatively short period my story idea evolved enormously."
Sarah T, France

"I came not to write, but to observe: the course changed my mind."
Janet C UK

"I felt a bit daring, choosing a writing course over the internet,
but it greatly exceeded all of my expectations.
I left St. Cere with a fully developed outline and cast of characters for my play,
a group of wonderful new friends from around the world,
memories of a week spent in beautiful surroundings among people with common interests, and (the only down side) seven extra pounds due to the
fantastic cheese, meals, and wine served at the Victor Hugo.
Thank you Janice and Peter for your encouragement and enthusiasm,
and for providing this wonderful opportunity."
Leeann M, Canada
"Thank you for being such wonderful hosts, and for all your encouragement, ideas and support. Our week in St Cere has exceeded every expectation."
"You are both such special people - and what creative minds you have! ... I have loved my week with you and learned so much!"
"Thank you for a fantastic course... I learnt a great deal."
David M UK

"One of the best experiences of my life. Never had what I had learned and what I hadn't become so delightfully, painfully, fantastically clear as working with you in our afternoon discussions."
John L, USA
"I think many of this past week's participants must by now be suffering a bout of post-partum blues.  I know that I am!  But I also feel excited and empowered about my own project, so the week provided me exactly what I was looking for. "
Chris B, France

"What a great week and it was a real pleasure meeting you both and our wonderfully eclectic group!  I’m happy to say the course has done for me ‘exactly what it said on the tin’ and now I must apply myself to following your formula...."
Sally-Anne B, England

"It was great to meet a bunch of people who love stories and can even write them, I'm looking forward to seeing some of them in print one day."
Lyn D, Belgium
The course did more for my fiction writing than anything I had ever done before... My thanks again and I hope others get as much help as you gave me.
Jack L, USA

"An ancient village, laced with vines,
With cobbles, towers and weirs,
Played host, one Spring, thro' Jan and Pete
To writers and their fears
At Victor Hugo's they lay down
Where Jean-Luc is a star;
No seasoned traveller could find
A pub to beat Tom's bar.
They fed on salads, crepes and fish,
On meat carved from the bone,
They gobbled gateaux, flans and cream,
(Merde! - just put on two stone...!)."
Dixi P Ireland

"Fantastic value for money, it offered something for every writer, published or unpublished. I learned a lot. I hope to finish my play one day - with a little help from friends in St Cere - Tom and Jean-Luc talking care of body and soul and Janice and Peter taking great care of the mind."
Eileen Ramsay Scotland

I was plotting a novel, one night,
So I looked up an internet site
I found Peter and Jan
who gave me a plan
For a story, I just have to write
I came to St Cere in the Lot
to write, I knew not what
after six days of work
I can say with a smirk
I got a hot plot from a Scot
just a couple of impromptu limericks from the dinner on the last night of the
Sept 2003 group
now CLICK HERE to find out how their writing is coming along


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